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This page details the different methods for installing OpenStreamPoll.


Before starting the installation, make sure you have:

  • PHP 8.3 or higher
  • Composer
  • Symfony CLI
  • SQLite
  • Make
  • Docker (recommended)

Quick Steps

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd OpenStreamPoll

# Launch deployment
make deploy

Process Details

The make deploy command will automatically:

  1. Create a file from the template
  2. Ask for your domain name
  3. Start Docker containers
  4. Create and configure the database
  5. Create the administrator account

2. Manual Production Deployment

If you prefer to control each step:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd OpenStreamPoll

# Create production configuration
cp compose.yaml

# Configure domain in
# (use :80 without SSL)

# Start services
docker compose -f up -d

# Create database
docker compose -f exec openstreampoll php bin/console doctrine:database:create

# Run migrations
docker compose -f exec openstreampoll php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction

# Create admin user
docker compose -f exec openstreampoll php bin/console app:create-user <username> <password>

3. Development Installation

For local development with hot-reload:

# Initial installation
make first-install

# Normal startup
make start

# Useful commands
make stop           # Stop server
make reset-db       # Reset database
make tests         # Run tests
make before-commit # Pre-commit checks

4. Quick Local Testing with Docker

For rapid testing:

# Start container
docker run -d -p 80:80 \
  -e SERVER_NAME=:80 \
  -e APP_ENV=prod \
  --name openstreampoll \

# Database setup
docker exec openstreampoll php bin/console doctrine:database:create
docker exec openstreampoll php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
docker exec openstreampoll php bin/console app:create-user <username> <password>

The application will be accessible at http://localhost


Common Errors

  1. Permission Issues
  2. Check write permissions on the var/ directory
  3. Use chmod -R 777 var/ if needed

  4. Database Errors

  5. Verify SQLite is installed
  6. Ensure database directory is writable

  7. Docker Container Issues

  8. Check logs with docker compose logs
  9. Ensure ports are not already in use


If you encounter problems:

  1. Check GitHub issues
  2. Create a new issue if needed
  3. For security concerns, contact the maintainer directly